
Humanity stepping into the next epoch demands our openness to reimagine what it means to thrive, in a rapidly changing world.

Coming in 2025. Uncomplicated. Primal. Pleasure.


Yoga saved my life. I feel extremely lucky to have found yoga, or it found me – in 1978, long before selfies and the internet transformed yoga and astrology into massive industries. I started with asana practice, but yoga grew far beyond that for me. Decades ago, I began to delve into yoga more deeply.


Astrology came later for me, circa 1990. Yoga saved my life and offered me the pathway to wellness, but astrology gave life more meaning and showed me how the universe operates with masterful, divine timing.

Several consultants on the Yogastrology® Faculty were my mentors, and I developed my own unique way to read charts focusing on body-mind and soul.


After the ‘sister sciences’ revealed themselves to me in India, I created Yoga + Astrology = Yogastrology® year-long, online certification training. Since its 2012 launch, people around the world have studied with me and graduated from this ground-breaking program along with in-person Initiation events.



I hold a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy and served on the Liberal Arts faculty at a private university for several years, concurrent with teaching yoga classes and leading retreats. Interrelations between the mind (philosophy and meditation) and body (hatha yoga and health) completely captivate me and provide endless fascination. Certification trainings in yoga include Svaroopa®; Embodyment® Yoga Therapy; Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy®. In the 1990’s I became a Charter Member of Yoga Alliance and was among the first-ever Experienced Registered Yoga Teachers (E-RYT); Continuing Education Providers (YACEP); and Certified Yoga Therapists (CYT).