About Diane

Diane Booth Gilliam, MA, Yogastrology® Founder

Hi, I’m a consultant and writer dedicated to helping people reconnect with their innate power and purpose.

My purpose blossomed out of the seeds that were planted when I let myself be myself: a fearless explorer, and a reclusive writer. The two fit together like hand and glove for me. I loved the astonishment and anonymity of traveling solo ’round the globe, then sliding down the rabbit hole, losing track of time when I’m writing. I’ve written for Yoga Journal, Switzerland’s Astrodienst, and Yoga International among other outlets and my work has been featured in fine global publications including Chilean El Mercurio, Scandinavian IForm, and more. 

Get lost doing what you love, then find yourself there. This is what I do, and what I inspire others to do – to live well.



In 2024 MysticMag contacted me. I felt their gentle persistence and great questions were compelling enough to create a worthwhile article; I described my massive turning point in the article, which has inspired people to schedule readings. Read the interview here.



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